I am in the ineffable and the unknowable.

Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
It is you my Lord Yahweh
Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh

Almighty, Creator; all creation without exception is from Thee. 
Thou are the Beginning and the End. 
The First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega. 
Only Thou alone knoweth the phantasm of 
thoughts of every creation about Thee. 
All the virtues are within Thine control. 
Only Thou alone knows the whereabouts of every created being. 
If creation is infinitely numerous to the countless particles of sand and dust, 
Thou yet recognize each particle in its capacity. 
All glory is to Thee Almighty God, the Creator of everything. 
Far as possible be it from me to denounce Thee. 
Let it be far as infinity times from me to never forget Thy name. 
Thou are the only One God, the Creator, the Almighty. 

Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh

Almighty, Creator; As a tourist on a journey, 
one recognizes this universe as belonging to Thee Creator. 
Thou knoweth Thy hand has done and that can be done the way it should be done. 
All I know is that there is only Thee One God, the Creator. 
None surpasses Thine control and respect. 
None outranks Thee Almighty Creator. 
Numerous of created nature, 
visible and invisible among the creation, Thee direct and guide. 
All that happens as is supposed, Thou foreordain; 
Crown of crowns! Almighty Creator, 
From Thine own liking Thee made man in Thine image. 
All is fine the way Thou want it. 
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh

Almighty, Creator, Almighty; 
By far, everything is clearly visible and realistic in You. 
With Your illumination, man begins to comprehend these realities. 
Believing to man is henceforth possible. 
A wink is to long for man to know a single 
reality than for You to know all reality in a single go. 
A hair breadth is a mile away for the human mind as for You in a single instant. 
What You did, what You do and are to do is enough for me to accept the truth. 
There is only You, the One Infinite God the Creator; Commander of all. 
Let man not obliquely enter into realities You have put forth,
 for pride in this case deprives man to encounter You in them. 
You Almighty God Creator of all. 

Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh

Creator, Almighty, You the Creator of our ancestors, Adam and Eve, 
since the beginning of creation. 
Creator of souls and all living breaths. 
You alone know all. 
A plant of life and knowledge is planted as to get fruit from it. 
Creation is the fruit of the works of Your hand. 
All glories in the Universe belong to You. 
You rebuke and put right what sin has tarnished. 
From time to time, time immemorial, 
such is You A wondrous Creator! 
Your might deeds reflect in the Universe, Heaven and Earth. 
Mighty indeed is Your nature. 
All might belongs to You the Creator. 

Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
It is right my Lord Yahweh
It is so my Lord Yahweh

Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh
Ah Yahweh, eh Yahweh