Tommy's Old Tractor
[Verse] Tommy's old tractor started up real slow, Hydraulic hose burst, gave quite a show. Oil sprayed out, a geyser in the sky, Sound echoed loudly, a hell of a cry. [Verse 2] Oen shouted loud, "What in the hell?!” Tommy's pants told a story you could smell. Thomas laughed so hard, he nearly died, Watching Tommy's misfortune, couldn’t be denied. [Chorus] Oh, the farm was buzzing, neighbors came to see, Tommy's oily disaster, as far as you could see. Life in the country, never a dull day, With Tommy’s old tractor, the mess it made today. [Verse 3] Tommy tried to clean, but the oil just spread, Covered the barn, turned everything red. Cows started mooing, chickens took to flight, Thomas laughed even harder, til the fall of night. [Chorus] Oh, the farm was buzzing, neighbors came to see, Tommy's oily disaster, as far as you could see. Life in the country, never a dull day, With Tommy’s old tractor, the mess it made today. [Verse 4] They'll be talking ‘bout this, for years to come, How Tommy's day turned out pretty glum. But in every tale, there’s a silver line, At least this mess wasn't oil mixed with slime.