Testament to a legend
Testament to a legend

In realms of pride, where the meek do stride, this is a Testament to a legend

[Instrumental intro]
The path for heroes, who with hearts ablaze
Is realms of pride, where the meek do stride
The path for heroes, who with hearts ablaze
Is realms of pride, where the meek do stride

Through valleys dark, and mountains steep and high
The valor, like a river, flows like light,
And when the battle's done, and valor's won,
The legend lives, forever, in the sun.
The hearts afire, with honor's sacred flame,
The valor unbroken, like a shining frame,
Amidst the thunder of a thousand drums,
Is woven, thread by thread, in valor's hum.
To conquer fear, to vanquish doubt's dark ire,
The hearts, aflame with honor's noble fire,
In realms of valor, where the brave do stand,
The spirits unshaken, steadfast and grand,
These deeds a testament to courage's might,
A guiding light for those who dare take flight.
The path for heroes, who with hearts ablaze
Is realms of pride, where the meek do stride
A winding path, beset by joys and fears,
Yet, as we walk this road, so fraught with pain,
To find the beauty in each fleeting gain,
And in the darkness, find our deepest tears.
Now step forth, like diamonds in the tide
And all around, the evening's beauty pride
The world is wrapped in silence, deep and still,
And mortal sounds are hushed, as if by will.
The minotaurs, with horns of mighty might,
And centaurs, swift, with bows in shining light,
The mermaids sing, their siren songs so bright,
As unicorns, with horns of pure delight.
The griffins guard, with eyes of piercing sight,
As gryphons roar, with strength of endless might.
The path for heroes, who with hearts ablaze
Is realms of pride, where the meek do stride
The wind, a mischievous guide, doth lead the way,
Where mythic creatures roam, and legends sway,
But alas, the swan's song, a fleeting sigh,
Fades into silence, as the night draws nigh,
The waters, calm and still, like glassy sea,
A final, majestic, sorrowful plea,
Amidst the whispers of a mystic tone,
As phoenixes arise, their fiery throne.
As horizon's glory, with its splendor, doth unfold
And all the creatures, with its beauty, doth enfold
But as the world , in all its glory, doth abide
A sense of awe, within the heart, doth reside
In twilight's hush, where stars their vigil keep,
The night's dark veil, a mystic shroud, does creep
The path for heroes, who with hearts ablaze
Is realms of pride, where the meek do stride
The path for heroes, who with hearts ablaze
Is realms of pride, where the meek do stride
like I said only where the meek do stride