Tech-Savvy Romance
Tech-Savvy Romance
Get your device out and open up OneNote
We got stories to write let the apps flow
In this digital world our love will show
Every click and swipe you always know

[Verse 2]
From pixels and bytes to gigs and waves
In the cyberspace our hearts do rave
No wires no chains our thoughts are brave
Digital whispers in the love we crave

Get your device out
Open OneNote
Our love's a program that we both wrote
Connecting hearts with every keystroke
Get your device out
Open OneNote

Soft screens reflect our glowing eyes
Through glass and light none of us lies
Virtual hugs and electric ties
Love in the cloud where passion flies

[Verse 3]
Late nights coding our dreams of gold
New updates crush us but our love's bold
Navigate this cyberspace we hold
Heartbeats sync like stories told

Get your device out
Open OneNote
Our love's a program that we both wrote
Connecting hearts with every keystroke
Get your device out
Open OneNote