The fleeting enthrall
The fleeting enthrall
Where polar stars align in whispered night With visible paths that fade beyond our sight. 

The threads of chance, like stories, softly say, "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

Through tangled hopes where shadows weave and play,  In life's grand quilt, where colors bleed and sway The invisible hands guide our fleeting fate, Each choice a stitch, a seam that we create.
From whispered hopes to echoes lost in time,  In every heartbeat, weaves a silent rhyme,  In twilight's hush, where shadows softly fall, And mortal hearts, with reverence, enthrall.
The tapestry of fate, both frail and bold, A tale of love and loss, of secrets told.   When ancient wisdom whispers secrets old, The whispers echo through the ages cold.
Yet, in this twilight, where the ancient speak, Where gods and mortals walk, and fate does seek.

The threads of chance, like stories, softly say, "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

And as I ponder, fate's design unfolds, A labyrinth of decisions, young and old A beacon to illuminate the darkest night, I'll weave my own, and shape my own delight.
The threads of life, like stories, intertwine, In ink upon the page, our fates entwine,  The polar stars, they guide with silver light,    As shadows dance beneath the moon's soft white,    The wind, a wanderer, with sighs doth astray, And in the silence, mysteries convey
A secret garden blooms, where legends hold In twilight's hush, where mystic tales unfold,
The Queen of Night, with starry crown, doth glide, Together they, in wondrous harmony, reside.

 "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

The threads of chance, like stories, softly say, "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

 "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"
We dance between the realms of hope and dread, No certainty in roads that lie ahead,  Thy eyes, like sapphires shining bright and blue, And in their depths, I seek a truth anew,
Amidst the threads of fate, I find my way, A tapestry of choices, woven fine and gray, A seesaw balance, pulling hearts and minds,   Paper dreams unfold, revealing paths that bind. 
Of forgotten lore, and mystic tales, And mortal men, with awe, their hearts regale. They echo through the forest's silent skies, And mystic's quest, with danger, doth arise.
For now the night has fled, and morning's here, Then let us rise, and shake off slumber's fear. 

The threads of chance, like stories, softly say, "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

The threads of chance, like stories, softly say, "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

 "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"

 "This path you take, this choice you make, will stay,"